Sanitizer spray has become our daily necessities. Adding the Serene essential oil can surround you with the pleasant aroma, and its secret ingredient (Naomi Rose) also acts as a whitening and anti-aging agent. Available in both pocket size (20ml) and small spray bottle (50ml).
近日消毒噴霧已成為我們的隨身必需品,加入Serene香薰可以提升香氣,當中的荷蘭梨奧美玫瑰 (Naomi Rose) 成份更具有美白及抗氧化作用。 分別設有口袋大小的 pocket size(20毫升)及噴霧小樽(50毫升)。
$40 (20ml Pocket size) / $85 (50ml)
Essential Oil Sanitizer Spray (serene)
Unlike the usual soy candle, this one is 100% hand poured with natural soy way and aroma oil. The soy wax will be melted into liquid state after litting, and can be applied directly on the skin upon cooling down a bit, and massage gently until thoroughly absorbed. Every time when the Serene candle is lit, the surrounding aroma will bring you to a peaceful summer garden.
2 in 1 Soy Candle (serene)
有別於其他大豆蠟燭,它用上天然提取的精油製作,可以直接用於皮膚。燃點蠟燭後,等待大豆蠟液面層溶解成液態,然後將低溫大豆蠟搽於皮膚上,以打圈式配合適當按摩,令皮膚更易吸收。 每次點起 Serene 香薰,淡淡舒適的香氣讓您恍如置身寧靜的花園中,搽上手後更有助全身放鬆。
$268 (7oz – lasts for 50-55 hours)
Always find a way to make your day a little brighter
Beewax Rose Candle
The Scented Rose Candle is made by 100% Natural Bee Wax. Each rose petals are handmade and bring with rose fragrance oil. We believe that it will add a touch of warmth and elegance to your interior!
玫瑰花蠟燭以 100% 天然蜜蠟製作,以人手逐片花瓣混色並拼上。當中更加入玫瑰香薰精油,以溫暖的燭光帶來優雅氣息及幸褔日常。
* Available at Hysan Place, Olympian City, OP Mall, YOHO Mall